Composting Information

Photos, Videos & Presentations

On this page we will post photo albums, slideshows and videos documenting farm scale systems for biochar production and use. Some of these are created by UBET members and some are from further afield.

Kelpie Wilson's Presentation on the UBET Conservation Innovation Grant at the USBI Biochar Symposium, August 22-24, 2016:
Download Presentation pdf file

Scott McKain's Wigwam Kiln:


Forest and Farm _ Making Compost with Charcoal & Barn Waste with Tractor & Trailers

 Don Morrison (UBET):
Making Biochar from Forest Slash

1 comment:

    I have been asked many times about how much biochar to ammend into a backyard garden. Based on a 10 feet by 10 feet garden plot, you should use a wheel barrow full of "activated" biochar to ammend your top 4 inches of garden soil to achieve a 20% soil ammendment. I would do this in gradual increments, such as a couple of applications in the course of a year. A good game plan would be to mix a wheelbarrow full of raw biochar into your compost pile. While building your compost pile, layer 2 inches of biochar with 2 inches of other carbon containing material (brown leaves, corn stalks etc)and then your 1 inch of green nitrogen layer (such as grass clippings, green manure) to make a compost pile about 3 feet high, 3 feet square or round (pallets make a good framework). Cover to protect from rain ( I use a piece of metal roofing over the pallets). When your compost is done in maybe 6 weeks or so, your biochar will be biodynamically charged and ready to work into the top soil. In the course of a season you will have used your compost and will have ammended your ten by ten garden plot with some amazing biochar.
    ps. In Hawaiian, you will Malama the Land.
    Gregory was a student of Alan Chadwick. founder of the French Intensive Method of Organic Gardening.
