Composting Information

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Rabbitry Challenge

Biochar made in the WigWam has already been applied to a section of the rabbitry. Don and Judy Atchison raise these beautiful show rabbits in a well-designed facility, however, one problem is a lack of drainage for the manure pits and resulting ammonia levels are a bit high. John Livingston is working with Don to alleviate the problem using biochar and inoculation of EM-1, a culture of microbes that includes lactic acid bacteria and soil microbes. EM-1 adds acidity to the manure bed, which helps to inhibit ammonia formation.
Don with a prize-winning rabbit
The rabbit manure piles up
Manure pits with bedding to help absorb odors. Soon biochar and EM-1 will be added


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